Sunday, March 20, 2011

Shameless post.

So I amposting a quick blog post. I know I have to catch up on all my other trips and spring break was amazing, no shock there. But on my trip I lost my iPhone and this is a very monumental loss for me. I use my iPhone for, texting, emailing, games, alarm clock, etc. And at home my iPhone died on my once and that was horrible as well but being a foreign country, having no contact with my friends and family back home is really unsettling as well. But beyond the heartache this has caused me, I have realized how attached Iam to materialistic things. I never considermyselfmaterialistic, but now looking back on it...I really am. Instead ofpersonally remembering each experience I have, I have to document it on my iPhone or camera and I depend on that to store all my information. I was writing in a journal the other day on the train from Versailles and it was shocking at how much I could not remember only a few days before. Photography is one of the most beautiful things in the world but much stuff I forget when I am behind that lens.I am scared about forgetting about these experience so I take the photos but then I forget that I never fully get to experience them and then I forget what happened.So maybe losing my iPhone was just a wake up call to life and that I shouldn't depend so much on technology to remember everything for me. I just felt like sharing this revelation with you all because I think it is very important. I'll leave you with a fewsneak peeks at the photos from my spring break trip. I will be posting my blog about Interlaken, Siena, San Gimignano, Vierragio and Rome in the next few days. Then hopefully a few days after that post my blog about my spring break. Hope all is well in your world.

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality" - John Lennon

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