Saturday, July 9, 2011

Horribly Behind!

Okay I know I am horribly behind my post but I swear I am determined to post all my trips!

But on a side note, I am creating a webpage dedicated to my photography. I have a few photo shoots lined up, to help build up my portfolio. Here is a little preview of what it might look like. It even has music playing to compliment the photos! The reason why I am making a website is because I realized that I can use my portfolio as a tool when applying to internships. And also I can slowly get my name out there and people might want me to take photographs! I will have a web domain and such but I am not sure when I will make it public. I want it to be perfect and there are still some kinks I have to work out.

Until then, I will try and post some of my trips in the next few days. I have made a few changes in my lifestyle so I might have more time to get those out to you. I also have a few more projects that I am trying to do so hopefully that won't be too much for me. I also have my job back at H&M, which is a major relief, I don't have to worry about money anymore!

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." - William Shakespeare