Monday, March 24, 2014

Movies you should see, but maybe never thought of watching.

Happy #MovieMonday

Post-graduation has left me with some more than needed spare time, so I thought I would catch up on books and films that I have been wanting to see. As well as being a little more adventurous and open minded when picking films. Netflix has been a helpful tool in the process, guiding me in obscure directions with it's ridiculously specific categories that go beyond Recently Added. Generally, my appeal to unknown films are enhanced by the interesting poster display or title, but for these selections, I just dove right in with having only read a sentence of the synopsis. Having free time really gives you the freedom to do stuff you wouldn't normally do. I was just interested in going beyond my mainstream favorites and test out a few new movies that kept popping up in my Neflix feed. 

This batch of films are mainly independent that range from sci-fi, erotic drama, thriller, and fantasy. Click the title of each movie for a link to their trailers. Enjoy

Cast: Jim Sturgess, Kirsten Dunst, Timothy Spall
Director: Juan Solanas
Released: 2012
Synopsis: Adam (Sturgess) falls in love with Eden (Dunst) but they are both from different worlds, separated by opposite gravitational pulls. Ten years after their last encounter, Adam finds Eden and sets out on a journey to restore their lost connection.
My Review: Although Rotten Tomatoes and other sources have given this film somewhat low ratings, I think it deserves more credit. It is like a futuristic vision of Romeo and Juliet but with an interesting and thought provoking concept of two parallel worlds. It is definitely not a low budget film ($50 Million), and you can definitely see where the production value goes…cinematography and effects! I can agree the script was woefully dull but the visual elements really brought the film to a whole new level. I highly recommend this film, especially if you are interested in romantic stories or mind bending, sci-fi imagery.
Grade: A-